Our alternative and holistic therapeutic health approach in treating your condition with Osteopathy, Registered Acupuncture, Massage therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Osteopathy Visceral manipulation will help you to maintain, improve or restore your health.
Recovery and Pain Relief treatments for the following conditions:
Sciatica pain and Cervical-Lumbar disc herniation
Headaches and Migraines
Insomnia and sleep problems
Pelvic pain and coccyx Tailbone pain
PMS and Painful Irregular menstruation
Pregnancy prenatal pain/Discomfort
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
TMJ Jaw pain and Orthodonctic problems
Arthritis pain relief
Carpal Tunnel syndrome
Anxiety and Depression
Low energy
Knee/ankle/Hip pain
Newborns/Infants, Babies/Preterm treatment for latching/feeding issues, Reflux, Gas, Colic, Constipation, Flat head, Torticollis, Irritability
OPENING HOURS: Every week: Tues, Wed, Thur 9am -7pm/every other week: Mon and Fri 9am-5pm, and Sat 9am-3pm.
Recovery and Pain Relief treatments for the following conditions:
Sciatica pain and Cervical-Lumbar disc herniation
Headaches and Migraines
Insomnia and sleep problems
Pelvic pain and coccyx Tailbone pain
PMS and Painful Irregular menstruation
Pregnancy prenatal pain/Discomfort
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
TMJ Jaw pain and Orthodonctic problems
Arthritis pain relief
Carpal Tunnel syndrome
Anxiety and Depression
Low energy
Knee/ankle/Hip pain
Newborns/Infants, Babies/Preterm treatment for latching/feeding issues, Reflux, Gas, Colic, Constipation, Flat head, Torticollis, Irritability
OPENING HOURS: Every week: Tues, Wed, Thur 9am -7pm/every other week: Mon and Fri 9am-5pm, and Sat 9am-3pm.